AHU Cleaning

AHU Cleaning

The deep cleaning of AHU ducting systems as per the BESA TR/19 Internal cleanliness of ventilation systems.

There is a growing concern over the quality of the air we breathe, and for most of us that means a long period of time breathing air supplied to us through air conditioning systems. The legal answer comes under the COSHH regulations, EURO directives and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). It is the company responsibility to ensure the health and safety of your workers, visitors or tenants by providing clean fresh air into the building with regular deep cleaning of Air intakes/ extracts ducting/filters \and fan motors.

These ducting systems should be cleaned on an annual basis. Here at Clean Sweep Group we have the latest rotary brush systems designed to travel through the ducting up to 35 metres with HEPA Hoover systems cleaning the system, we also have inspection CCTV units which can also be placed into the ducting for inspection work.

click to read more about the Rotary Brush System

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